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8. Don Clark, lsquo;I of Things in Reach,Wall Street Journal, January 5, 2014.
9. Smolan at,Human Face of Big Data, 135.
10. See David pert and Phillip Sauhe Paradox of Power: SinoAmeri Strategic Relations in an Age of Vulnerability (Washington, D.ational Defense Uy, 2011).
11. Ralph Langer, Stux: Disseg a Cyberwarfare on,IEEE Security and Privacy 9, no. 3 (2011): 49ndash;52.
12. Rex Hughes, quoting General Keith Alexander, in A Treaty for Cyberspaternational Affairs 86, no. 2 (2010): 523ndash;41.
13. Publius [James Madison],The Federalist 10, in Hamilton, Madison, and Jay,Federalist Papers, 46ndash;47.
14. See Digital Set to Surpass TV in Time Spent with US Media: Mobile Helps Propel Digital Time Spent, eMarketer., August 1, 2013 (rep that the average Ameri adult spends 5 hours per day online, on nonvoice mobile activities or with ital media and 4.5 hours per day watg television); Briaer, 8 Hours a Day Spent on Ss, Study Finds,New York Times,March 26, 2009 (rep that adults are exposed to ss... for about 8.5 hours on any given day).
15. T. S. Eliot, Collected Poems, 1909ndash;1962 (Boston: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991), 147.
16. Betsy Sparrow, Jenny Liu, and Daniel M. Wegner, Google Effeemory: itive sequences of Having Information at Our Fiips,Sce333, no. 6043 (2011): 776ndash;78.
17. See Nicholas Carr,The Shallows: What the I Is Doing to Our Brains(New York: W. W. Norton, 2010).
18. Erik Brynjolfsson and Michael D. Smith, The Great Equalizer? er Choice Behavior at I Shopbots (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Sloan School of Ma, 2001).
19. Neal Leavitt, Reendation Teology: Will It Boost Eerce?,puter 39, no. 5 (2006): 13ndash;16.
20. See Clive Thompson,Smarter Than You Think: How Teology Is ging Our Minds for the Better (New York: Penguin Press, 2013).
21. Schmidt and ,New Digital Age, 35, 198ndash;99.
22. See