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40. 在撰写本书时,阿富汗仍不肯正式承认与巴基斯坦的边界;印度和巴基斯坦对克什米尔地区有争议;印度和中国就阿克赛钦和藏南地区争执不下,1962年还因领土争端打了一仗;印度和孟加拉国表示愿意谈判解决两国在彼此领土上几十个飞地的问题,但没有达成协议,还因在这些领土上巡逻的问题发生过冲突。
41. See Pew Research ter Forum ion and Public Life,The Global Religious Landscape: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the Worlds Majious Groups as of 2010(Washington, D.C.: Pew Research ter, 2012), 22.
42. European Russia, or Russia west of the Ural Mountains, stitutes roughly the westernmost quarter of Russias landmass.
第六章 通往亚洲秩序之路:对抗还是伙伴关系?
1. See Mark Mancall, The g Tribute System: An Interpretive Essay, inThe ese World Order, ed. John K. Fairbank (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Uy Press, 1968), 63.
2. See Mark Mancall,a at the ter: 300 Years of Fn Poliew York: Free Press, 1984), 16ndash;20; Jonathan Spehe Searodern a,2nd ed. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1999), 197 202.
3. Yingshih Yuuml;,Trade and Expansion in Han a: A Study iructure of SinoBarbarian Eic Relations (Berkeley: Uy of California Press, 1967), 37.
4. Qianlongs First Edict to King Gee III (September 1793), inThe Searodern a: A Dotary Colle, ed. Peikai g, Michael Lestz, and Jonathan Spenew York: W. W. Norton, 1999), 105.
5. 摄政王代乔治三世国王摄政,因为乔治三世得了精神病。
6. The Emperor of a,ese Recorder 29, no. 10 (1898): 471ndash;73.
7.Papers Relating tn Affairs Apanying the Annual Message of the President to the First Session of the Thirtyeighth gress (Washing