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02 交通 (第5/8页)
7. here's your tip. 这是你的小费。 大众交通——公交车 dialogue kitty wao go to the cultural palace. but she took the wrong bus. 凯蒂要去文化宫,但是她乘错了公交车。 kitty: i'm going to the cultural palace. when shall i get there? 凯蒂:我要去文化宫,什么时候能到呢? mark: sorry, you're on the wrong bus. you should take bus no. 132 he railway station. 马克:不好意思,您乘错车了。您得在火车站附近坐132路车。 kitty: how i get to the railway station, please? 凯蒂:我怎么才能到火车站呢? mark: get off at the stop, cross the street, and you'll find a bus stop not far on yht hand side. there're buses to the railway station. 马克:在下一站下车,穿过街道,在右边不远处,您会看见一个公交车站。那里有去火车站的车。 kitty: could i have a traicket, please? 凯蒂:请问我可以要一张转乘车票吗? mark: here you are. 马克:给您。 kitty: thank you. 凯蒂:谢谢。 notes 1. palace [?p?lis] n. 宫,宫殿 2. stop [st?p] n. 停止,逗留;停车站,候车站,车站;v. 停止,中断;逗留;阻挠 3. cross [kr?s] v. 穿过,越过;交叉,相交;n. 十字架 4. trar?ns?f?:] v. 转移,转让;n. 转乘票;转移 小贴士 1. we shall get off at the stop to get another bus. 我们应该在下一站下车,转乘其他公交。 2. how i get an ic card for bus? 如何办理公交ic卡? 3. could you please remind me when the bus gets to the zoo? 到动物园时请提醒我一下好吗? 4. the k2 bus will take us to the o park. 我们坐2路快线可以到达海洋馆。 5. that double-decker bus is what we want. 那辆双层巴士就是我们要坐的。 6. it's too crowded on the bus. we'd better get there by ext time. 公交车太挤了,下次我们最好开车去那儿。 环保出行首选自行车 dialogue lisa and henry are going to the cert, and they are discussing how to get there. 丽萨和亨利要去听音乐会。他们正在讨论乘坐何种交通工具。 lisa: are you ready to go to the cert? 丽莎:你准备好去听音乐会了吗? henry: yes. shall we go there by bus so we won't be late? 亨利:是的。我们一起去坐公共汽车吧?这样不会迟到。 lisa: why not go there by bike? we c