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02 体育锻炼 (第5/9页)
martial art has a history of thousands of years. ese culture is deeply iwined into it. but martial art at aime is totally different from that in modern times. 雅各布:它确实包括这一部分。武术已经有几千年的历史了,和中国文化有着千丝万缕的联系。但是,古代武术与现代武术是完全不同的。 noah: so it is a good way to learn ese culture through martial art. 诺亚:这么说来学习武术不失为了解中国文化的一种好方式。 jacob: certainly. 雅各布:那是当然了。 noah: you really know a lot. just like wiki. 诺亚:你知道的可真多。简直就是百科全书! jacob: you flatter me too much. 雅各布:过奖过奖。 notes 1. blockbuster [?bl?k?b?st?] n. 重磅炸弹;大片 2. strengthen [?stre?θn] v. 加强,巩固 3. physique [fi:?zi:k] n.体格 4. defense [di?fens] n. 防御;辩护 5. offence [??fens] n. 违法行为;冒犯,无礼 6. iwine [?int??twain] v. 缠结在一起 7. flatte [?fl?t?] n.向……奉承,阿谀 小贴士 经常看武侠剧的你们,是不是很羡慕大侠们的一身绝世武功?来看一看它们的英文翻译吧! flying skills 轻功水上飘 7 hurted ans 七伤拳 deepblue press 黯然销魂掌 softwind sword 软风剑 miao's sword 苗家刀法 one finger death touch 一阳指 修身养性打太极 dialogue the manager sends elena to pick up their t jack. 经理派埃琳娜去机场接他们的客户杰克。 elena: wele to a, jack. 埃琳娜:杰克,欢迎来到中国。 jack: hey, elena. it's great to see you again. how are you? 杰克:你好,埃琳娜。很高兴再次见到你,你还好吗? elena: i am fihanks. is your trip fine? 埃琳娜:我很好,谢谢。旅途还顺利吗? jaot so bad. 杰克:还不错。 elena: this is your third time to visit a. do you have other plans execpt for our operation? 埃琳娜:这是你第三次来到中国了。除了我们的合作项目之外,你还有什么其他的打算吗? jack: oh, actually i want to learn something about your ese taijiquan in this travel. 杰克:哦,事实上,我这次来中国想学一点你们中国的太极拳。 elena: oh, great! taijiquan is an a ese internal martial art system, whibines profound principles, theories and martial art teiques. 埃琳娜:噢,这个想法不错。太极拳是中国古代的一个内部武术体系,结合了中国古代的道德、理论因素和武术技巧。 jack: i really want to learn it. so could you lead me to learn it? 杰克:真想学。你能带我去学吗? elen