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01 生活起居 (第3/8页)
t. 朱莉亚:你的衬衣很好,除了没穿汗衫。 steven: what? an undershirt? isn't it much hotter if i wear it under my shirt? 史蒂文:什么?里面还要穿汗衫?那样不是更热了吗? julia: still it is necessary. when a man isn't wearing an undershirt, it is obvious that he looks unprofessional. 朱莉亚:但是必须要穿。如果一个男士不穿汗衫,很明显就能看出来那个男士不职业。 steven: you tell me why a man has to wear an undershirt? 史蒂文:能告诉我为什么男人要穿汗衫吗? julia: for o adds eleganeither men nor womeo be dressed ihrough clothing in the business world. and it also adds a layer of prote because of heat. when you perspire, the undershirt protects the dress shirt from showing the moisture and causing stains. it also absorbs some of the odor if you perspire heavily. 朱莉亚:穿汗衫一是可以增添高雅。不管是男士还是女士上班都不应该穿透明的衣服。二是还可以在天热时多一层保护。当你排汗时,汗衫可以让你的衬衣看不出来湿痕和汗渍。如果你出很多汗,汗衫还可以吸收体味。 steven: oh, i got it. thank you for your advice. 史蒂文:哦,我明白了。谢谢你的建议。 notes 1. get around 传播,散播;绕开;说服 2. undershirt ['?nd???:t] n. 汗衫,贴身内衣 3. unprofessional ['?npr?'fe??n?l] adj. 违反职业道德的;非专业的,外行的 4. polish ['p?li?] n. 光泽,上光剂;优雅;精良;v. 擦亮,磨光;推敲;完善 5. see-through ['si:?θru:] adj. 透明的 6. perspire [p?s'pai?] v. 出汗,流汗;分泌 7. odor ['?ud?] n. 气味;名声;气息 小贴士 iern busihe cept for dress is servative. this means nothing too flashy, too provocative, too casual, too tight or too revealing.for ladies, the following dress items are on: pant suit, knee-length skirt or full-length dress, blouse, dress pants, jacket, high-heels and dress shoes. for men these are the accepted norms for business attire: suit and tie. the reized business colors are blad gray(dark ht), but some panies have established others as their reized colors, such as blue. the following items are usually not acceptable in most white-collar enviros: jeans, t-shirts, tank tops, open-toed or low-cut shoes(low-cuts),loaf