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04 人事管理 (第4/6页)
restigious [pres'tid?i?s] adj. 享有声望的,声望很高的 2. beat around the bush 拐弯抹角 3. be after 寻求,寻找;追求 4. loyalty ['l?i?lti] n. 忠诚,忠心,忠贞 5. given [giv?n] adj. 特定的;假设的;有……倾向的;prep. 考虑到,如果 6. brain drain 人才外流 小贴士 升职加薪二选一,你会选择哪个? acc to a newly published survey, some staff in british cash-strapped panies are being given bigger job titles rather than higher salaries to keep employees happy. for examples, businesses seeking “stock replenishment executives” were actually looking for shelf stackers and a window er given the impressive designation of “optical illuminator enhancer.” at a time of eicertainty, some panies are using the fancy titles as an iive to retain staff rather than pay them more. the staff view a graitle as reition of their tribution to the anization and feel more itted for that. therefore, “up-titling” seems to have won verts. 根据最新公布的调查结果,一些资金匮乏的英国公司正在给他们的员工更大的头衔而不是更多的薪水。比如招募“库存补给主管”的公司实际上是在招货物堆码工,以及授予窗户清洁工“光照加强员”这一令人印象深刻的称谓。在目前经济形势难以预料的状况下,很多公司正在以稀奇古怪的头衔作为奖励,而不是付给他们更多的钱来挽留员工。员工们把更大的头衔看作是对自己为集体所作贡献的肯定,并因此变得更有责任感。因此,“拔高头衔”看起来颇得人心。 辞职,新的开始 dialogue jane has decided to quit her job in the pany. and now she is in the manager's offic. 简决定辞去公司的职位,现在她正在经理办公室。 jane: excuse me, sir. i want tn from my design director. here is my resignatioer. 简:打扰了,先生。我想辞去设计总监一职,这是我的辞职信。 manager: you tell me why you want to quit your job? 经理:能告诉我你为什么要辞职吗? jane: i'm sorry t up my resignation at this moment, but i don't want to be stu a rut. i want to move on a big challenges. 简:很抱歉在这个时候提出辞职,但是我不想止步不前。我希望能往前迈进,去迎接更大的挑战。 manager: do you have any plans in mind? 经理:你有什么打算吗? jao be ho, i want to try something different. after a short adjustment, i would like t